Letter to the editor

To the editor:

It’s time for a new county treasurer.

Almost three decades ago my mother, Karyl Thompson, helped her friend, Donna Lawson, get elected as Greene County treasurer. Donna has done a good job in managing the bureaucracy of the office, but an elected official should be an active delegate in the interest of county residents.

In her answers to the Herald’s questions, Donna Lawson continually stated that the treasurer had no control over property taxes or other things that are not routine or bureaucratic. As the treasurer, Donna should have a good picture of the financial state and budget of the county and keep it’s residents informed.  After 30 years she should have the ability to advocate for cost saving measures and implement new and efficient automation and oversight. However, her answers indicate she plans to do more of the same.

Our community is facing change with the casino and new businesses. While campaigning across the state I have met with many people who have told me stories about the money brought in by the casino in their Iowa community.  The new revenue does not cause property taxes to go down because the county leadership takes the opportunity to spend it on inessential things. It will take active leadership to ensure Greene County does not fall victim to this practice. Lawson is already saying she won’t get involved.

Even without a college degree, Donna is a smart woman who has managed the day to day business of our county money. However, we are at a critical time and we need some new leadership. Kristi Holz has a graduate degree and 23 years experience in accounting. She has an understanding of automation that will yield cost effective changes and more transparency in the office. She has also promised to be an advocate to lower taxes and keep her neighbors informed. Kristi Holz has pledged to limit herself to only two terms so we will not again be left with a bureaucrat with the catchphrase “That’s not my job!”  We have an opportunity for growth and lower taxes this year. I hope we can take it.

John Thompson
Former GOP candidate for state treasurer

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